Cav EQ Power Technician

What is happening here?
Before I posted I looked up several different posts in both the forums and Reddit (up to 2 years old) and cannot find an answer by a mod. Now onto my suspicions.
Is it a bug? Possibly, but I'm not really certain. Most people on the posts I've looked at blame AAR. But that doesn't make sense as Enemy Offensive AAR should be the only impact here. The way the node reads: "Tech attackers under the effect of an Armor Up buff will drain 15% of the Defenders max power each time they perform a well-times block. Each time a tech defender power drains, burns or locks the opponent, they gain a permanent passive fury increasing attack by 35%. Max stacks 10." Well-timed blocks are DEFENSIVE ABILITIES. How could defender decreased offensive aar impact attacker defensive aar?
If the argument is that the power drain, burn or lock is offensive, which also doesn't make sense but could be true, it should still apply. Sasquatch doesn't impact attacker AAR and the drains should be applying themselves on each parry.
I've tried this with both Warlock and Hulk Buster and the only common denominator is the decreased OAAR for the defender. Why is this impacting my attacker? Has anyone gotten an answer from kabam here?