I believe I used Apoc, and just tried to have as few of the debuffs as possible until he became immune to incinerate and bleed along with willpower to mitigate some damage. The coldsnap fell off as my combo got higher. I could also reduce his rock stacks slowly with heavy bleed. Though colossus is a better counter.
I believe I used Apoc, and just tried to have as few of the debuffs as possible until he became immune to incinerate and bleed along with willpower to mitigate some damage. The coldsnap fell off as my combo got higher. I could also reduce his rock stacks slowly with heavy bleed. Though colossus is a better counter.
Why is Colossus so good for this Thing? I don't quite understand
I believe I used Apoc, and just tried to have as few of the debuffs as possible until he became immune to incinerate and bleed along with willpower to mitigate some damage. The coldsnap fell off as my combo got higher. I could also reduce his rock stacks slowly with heavy bleed. Though colossus is a better counter.
Why is Colossus so good for this Thing? I don't quite understand
Because he is immune to bleed, incinerate and coldsnap. Plus some more stuff I can't remember
I believe I used Apoc, and just tried to have as few of the debuffs as possible until he became immune to incinerate and bleed along with willpower to mitigate some damage. The coldsnap fell off as my combo got higher. I could also reduce his rock stacks slowly with heavy bleed. Though colossus is a better counter.
Why is Colossus so good for this Thing? I don't quite understand
Because he is immune to bleed, incinerate and coldsnap. Plus some more stuff I can't remember
The amount of damage on a sp2 with Omega Red synergy can get extreme with enough armor ups.
I believe I used Apoc, and just tried to have as few of the debuffs as possible until he became immune to incinerate and bleed along with willpower to mitigate some damage. The coldsnap fell off as my combo got higher. I could also reduce his rock stacks slowly with heavy bleed. Though colossus is a better counter.
Why is Colossus so good for this Thing? I don't quite understand
Because he is immune to bleed, incinerate and coldsnap. Plus some more stuff I can't remember
The amount of damage on a sp2 with Omega Red synergy can get extreme with enough armor ups.
Wouldn't the Things duped ability negate most damage?
I went in with 5* and 6* apoc with cable synergy. Used 5* to horseman cable. Used cable to degen thing to death. Worked fine, just have to remember that the heavies do more than one hit and account rock stacks accordingly. It’s also worth remembering that if you’re using someone like domino or sunspot on this lane, a 200% power boost can get you back to back SP2s or even sp3. On everyone but that Thing.
I believe I used Apoc, and just tried to have as few of the debuffs as possible until he became immune to incinerate and bleed along with willpower to mitigate some damage. The coldsnap fell off as my combo got higher. I could also reduce his rock stacks slowly with heavy bleed. Though colossus is a better counter.
Why is Colossus so good for this Thing? I don't quite understand
Because he is immune to bleed, incinerate and coldsnap. Plus some more stuff I can't remember
The amount of damage on a sp2 with Omega Red synergy can get extreme with enough armor ups.
Wouldn't the Things duped ability negate most damage?
My bad, yes he would. It’ll be great for all of the other fights on that path though.
ahhh, this one was painful. Bring a thing counter and build your combo, eventually the potency will be so high that you will be constantly healing and barely taking damage.
My experience suffering through this: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/289792/7-3-3-thing