Looking for war focused alliance

I'm looking for war focused alliance which is in Platinum 3 or High Platinum 4 with an aim of Platinum 3. I have experience of Tier 3 wars.

I have:
10x 6* r3
23x 6* r2
31x 5* r5
And resources for more, just waiting for right champs.
My Timezone is GMT +5:30
My Line id is ankzman
My Discord username is Ankzman#2401

I have:
10x 6* r3
23x 6* r2
31x 5* r5
And resources for more, just waiting for right champs.
My Timezone is GMT +5:30
My Line id is ankzman
My Discord username is Ankzman#2401
Alliance name: Victorious Secret
Tag: VS•21