I've tried....

DarkLord8470DarkLord8470 Member Posts: 105
edited July 2022 in General Discussion
For the better part of this month and last I have dealt with the issue of irl identity theft. in order to clear my digital footprint and secure everything, I have had to purge my bank account, change apple IDs, and essentially restart all of it. Part of that is that I lost my old Apple ID and email, as well as had to open a new bank account. All I have wanted to do is reset my email so I can play on my account and make sure its secure. I don't have access to the old email, I can't check my Apple ID and Kabam Support refuses to help me change my email because I can't prove two freaking proof of purchase dates back in 2016-2017 when I created the account and I know I bought that 0.99 Daily PHC Crystal Shard Bundle, and the Daily Summoner Credit offer for like 1.99 or something. If anyone here has any idea on how I can get Kabam to see that I do in fact own this account and have FOR 6 YEARS please help...im exhausted and sick of the automated emails in return to my pleading and begging, im ready to break down, thank you for letting me vent community
Post edited by Kabam Dijon on


  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    1. You can't give up your old AppleID even you have created new one. I lost one of my AppleID 5 years ago after car rental and it took me few months to get it back. You should try to get it back your AppleID. Once success, you can retrieve those data via Game Center.
    2. Do you have dual authorization for email login? If no, do you read emails via different devices like PC/MAC/Tablets/Mobile? If yes, you should have archive in each of the device. Search those Apple or iTune email and sort by date. You can locate those bill email.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,549 ★★★★★
    The mods will close this thread as forum don't give support to individual accounts.

    You may need to contact your old bank and get the details from 2016. There is no other way unfortunately.
    It is done for the security of your account.

    This is a very common problem many players face as there is no way everyone will remember their first two transactions from 6 years ago.

    Sadly, OP you have no choice to provide details.
    Something needs to change how this works.
    A message from the game, an alert pop up, to save these early transaction details for "future security of the account"
  • DarkLord8470DarkLord8470 Member Posts: 105
    Reference said:

    1. You can't give up your old AppleID even you have created new one. I lost one of my AppleID 5 years ago after car rental and it took me few months to get it back. You should try to get it back your AppleID. Once success, you can retrieve those data via Game Center.
    2. Do you have dual authorization for email login? If no, do you read emails via different devices like PC/MAC/Tablets/Mobile? If yes, you should have archive in each of the device. Search those Apple or iTune email and sort by date. You can locate those bill email.

    the issue is the email was terminated. through gmail. I can't access od recover it, ive tried.

  • Kabam DijonKabam Dijon Moderator Posts: 337
    Hello there,

    Unfortunately the forums are not the appropriate place to discuss these types of issues. For further information, please contact Kabam Support.

    We will be closing this thread. Thank you.

This discussion has been closed.