
Making ISO-8 the focus of the incursions rewards

A lot of people including myself find that incursions can be very fun, but that joy quickly fades with the lackluster rewards when compared to other content. Shards and catalysts would be decent, but with all the other content providing that and the fact that those resources make Kabam money, it might not be worth the payoff business-wise, or excite players much. However, if a good chunk of iso was added to the incursions rewards, one of the problems with the game, iso droughts, and to a lesser extent via selling it, gold droughts would be adressed to some level. It would give players from all progression levels an incentive to play with it providing unique gameplay with a variation in rewards, as no matter how good the gameplay is, without proper rewards for something that takes so long there won't be much purpose for it. Finally, the reason this would benefit Kabam is that it would be an easy change that could help dealing with multiple important issues, and in roundabout ways like units from potions help make more profit, all from a resource that currently isn't doing much for them.
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