What does Longshot... do?

solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
edited July 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Besides burst damage?

This may very well be a case of the champion looking a lot less useful on paper than in actuality, and you simply have to play the champion to understand its utilities, similar to Warlock, but I don't see a lot that Longshot does outside of damage, and even that's conditional. As a mystic champion his only reliable method of nullifying is through his sp2, and his damage falls short against champions with immunities. On top of that, having to build up to said damage every fight.

I'm sitting on a 6* Longshot right now, planning to rank him up soon, and would appreciate any input on where he can be useful over some of the other mystic champs.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,285 ★★★★
    solopolo said:

    Besides burst damage?

    This may very well be a case of the champion looking a lot less useful on paper than in actuality, and you simply have to play the champion to understand its utilities, similar to Warlock, but I don't see a lot that Longshot does outside of damage, and even that's conditional. As a mystic champion his only reliable method of nullifying is through his sp2, and his damage falls short against champions with immunities. On top of that, having to build up to said damage every fight.

    I'm sitting on a 6* Longshot right now, planning to rank him up soon, and would appreciate any input on where he can be useful over some of the other mystic champs.

    His biggest hidden asset is his superboosted ability accuracy. Any node that decreases AA he more or less completely ignores because you have a base 300% chance to parry and it can't be passively decreased.
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