Kingpin Rage

Was in the biohazard fight of the side quest and using Kingpin. But his rage debuffs just randomly disappear at times for some odd reason. Like I would get a bleed debuff, it converts to rage, but then it just disappears by itself. It wasn't at 8 stacks either so its not like it converted to the overpower buff
An interesting interaction to be aware of is Kingpin Vs Apocalypse.
You'd think that the King of the Mutants would have this fight all his own way. But no: Apocalypse stops KP from purifying, or converting Rage to Overpower. However, if they can't be converted, there's no actual stack limit to Rage. So if KP throws an SP2, he will very rapidly start accumulating large numbers of Rage, each granting him a +35% attack and +5% Combat Power rate.
That class disadvantage really starts to be insignificant once you're hitting high stacks of Rage 😉