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What do think about solo quest milestones?

Aren't they bit high to avail


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    AddyosAddyos Posts: 1,090 ★★★★
    Nope. A couple rounds in arena with all your champs, story and event questing and you can hit all milestones easy.
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    ThebgjThebgj Posts: 635 ★★
    I got all the milestones and I do think they’re high. I had to play a lot more to get them. And I’m a stay at home dad that plays more than I should...lol
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,860 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    I stopped at 491k.

    I made most of the points through PvP where it doesn't matter if you bomb a fight. Probably could've hit the 832 if I really wanted but I got bored.

    Not that it's a great achievement but if I can make 10-15k per day from milestones plus the EQ rewards there are some reasonable rewards available which is great for solo players and casual alliance guys.

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