3 officers with tier 2 experience looking for a competitive AW alliance

Me and 2 other friends (all 3 officers with AW planning experience) are looking for a competitive AW alliance. Currently we are in a tier 2 alliance, but it just seems like not everyone a has the same objective as we do (to play AW as high as possible). We are looking for a plat 1/masters alliance after the season ends. Maybe even a high plat 2
we can help achieve that goal. We are very skilled players, and we pretty much never die in wars.
On the other hand our prestige isn't very high
so if you want to play top lvl aq we are not the ones... We can manage every aq map but we don't have the prestige.
For any other detail contact me on line (ID: bunicu.)

On the other hand our prestige isn't very high

For any other detail contact me on line (ID: bunicu.)