More energy for AQ

If changes are not going to be made to aq then you have to add more energy. I can't tell you how many times our alliance has lagged behind. Four people will clear their lanes to a boss and whether it's because of time zones, complications making players unavailable, the players who are ready to go have to wait hours to progress further only to be stuck and capped out at 6 energy. Then you have to wait at 45 minute intervals while the clock is ticking and It makes aq feel like work and not a fun game mode which is really a bummer because the glory store is a great way to get resources summoners need. I would be happy with aq if there were more energy.
Imagine that you start at 6 energy at the beginning but the total amount of energy you cap out at is 12. That way once the person in your alliance who is the reliable boss killer takes down the boss or if your other members finally clear their paths, those that waited and your team mates who now have time to play have 12 energy to spend to properly clear the map. Sometimes our officers don't start aq until 4 or 5 hours go by because you You have made a change already to quest energy which was great and well needed, aq energy needs a boost. If you are not going to restructure the maps and the mode itself to make it more fun at least make progression through the map more accessible and not an absolute drag. I love aq it was a huge reason why I stay with this game because being apart of an alliance is rewarding and fun but when your alliance is aq focused and demands daily log ins and play, it can allow fatigue to creep in and make you not want to play this game at all. Aq could be a real seller and a main event attraction. I hope someone reads this and makes the change.
Imagine that you start at 6 energy at the beginning but the total amount of energy you cap out at is 12. That way once the person in your alliance who is the reliable boss killer takes down the boss or if your other members finally clear their paths, those that waited and your team mates who now have time to play have 12 energy to spend to properly clear the map. Sometimes our officers don't start aq until 4 or 5 hours go by because you You have made a change already to quest energy which was great and well needed, aq energy needs a boost. If you are not going to restructure the maps and the mode itself to make it more fun at least make progression through the map more accessible and not an absolute drag. I love aq it was a huge reason why I stay with this game because being apart of an alliance is rewarding and fun but when your alliance is aq focused and demands daily log ins and play, it can allow fatigue to creep in and make you not want to play this game at all. Aq could be a real seller and a main event attraction. I hope someone reads this and makes the change.