Need help with suicide masteries

I recently I have maxed out liquid courage and will power but when I run liquid courage it damages more than heal. I mean if liquid courage is doing 80 damage per sec, will power will heal 78 health... so what am I doing wrong.

I recently I have maxed out liquid courage and will power but when I run liquid courage it damages more than heal. I mean if liquid courage is doing 80 damage per sec, will power will heal 78 health... so what am I doing wrong.

Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on
It could be something not written like « under poison effect, all regeneration is reduced by 30% ».
I remember a couple of years ago, when Coagulate and Suture acted on Double Edge. And there was a silent change to apply them only on enemy bleed (to counter a bit Deep Wounds). The old text did not mention this restriction.
Here, maybe a side effect on one or several masteries... or another silent change.
So the answer from a moderator would be greatly appreciated.