War glitches since January on leadership side

Kabam acknowledged a glitch to bgs and other things but has yet to speak on a fix. We set bgs and can’t get them proper since January due to showing dupes of members as well as those same members unable to move their champs in defence placement changes. It’s becoming impossible on our side to get anything properly assigned and placement can only touch certain members champs and it’s been like this for so long. We need a fix to this. I have two ally’s both 45 mill and one isn’t affected the other is affected since January. It’s confusing and causing many issues yet tickets go unanswered for months. Is their any new word on this last you spoke was January and it’s getting frustrating. To not do full member placement changes and to assign bgs then have it all removed and it triples in each bg is causing it to be hectic. Can you speak if this is just the way the game has to be for some of us allies and that there’s no fix since it’s not being spoke on since January. To higher tiers it’s important to beable to assign things and change placement as needed. Some wars we can’t change a whole bg placement and it’s ridiculous and hurts us. This confusion and bs has been for 7 months and the disrespect to not even answer a ticket for that long is not cool. Never sent 10 tickets either only 1 then a second months later to see if any progress or if you even got the ticket.still silence. These placement and bg assignment glitches are making season really hard and we are unable to do of season war for 3 seasons now due to it. We need an answer and a fix or any word on this pls.