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Hercules’s signature ability - Immortality

DaddriedaDaddrieda Posts: 1,591 ★★★★
The post was taken down with some error message.

Was doing an map7 day 2 White Magneto section 1 miniboss fight with Hercules.

Used Heimdall and Hercules to further boost Hercules to get more fighting chance to take advantage of the unique synergy from Heimdall and the signature ability from Hercules.

Misstepped a few hits from White Magneto which triggered the Heimdall unique synergy to cheat death which i was ok with knowing I still had one more fighting chance as I still had the immortality in reserve if I misstepped again.

Misstepped again and the immortality didn’t trigger so I was, Still are, confused why the immortality buff from the signature ability didn’t trigger when it

Is there some kind of interaction with Heimdall that “erase” the immortality buff?

The laundry list of nodes description from White Magneto section 1 map7 day2 showed nothing why the immortality buff didn’t trigger as the first thing that came in my mind was there some kind of reduced AAR or something like that, but I saw and read nothing that could affect the signature ability.


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    TheBair123TheBair123 Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    doesn't he have power snack?
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    danielmathdanielmath Posts: 4,054 ★★★★★
    Daddrieda said:

    doesn't he have power snack?

    He did which I thought it shouldn’t affect the signature ability as the buff comes from the signature ability, but I take a guess that it doesn’t matter?
    Why would it matter where the buff comes from?
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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,876 ★★★★★
    Doesn’t matter where the buff comes from, power snack can take it
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    DaddriedaDaddrieda Posts: 1,591 ★★★★
    Thank you folks for confirming.
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    None of the nodes such as buffet masochism, power snak etc care where the debuff or buff is coming from. As long as the timer isn't on cooldown when it triggers, it will be eaten
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