[Possible Bug] Miles Morales' Spider-Camo

Severus35Severus35 Member Posts: 89
Hi there,

So I'm wondering if Miles Morales' camo is working as intented. Its description says :
'Spider-Camo grants all attacks a 35% to miss. This miss chance is tripled against Unblockable attacks.'
That's an awesome feature, right?

Here si my problem though, i was using him in war against Dragon-man. Dragon-man went unblockable after his Sp1. So with my Spider-camo active, i thought i could get an easy opening. Which is precisely the point of this ability.
I went straight in baiting for a basic attack and got smashed right away.

I don't get it. There is no 'decrease defense ability accuracy' node, ineptitude only reduces cruelty, precision, armor up and fury, i'm not blocking. Why am I getting hit?

Riddle me this please, thank you :)


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  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★
    The most I could see was that his Miss won't trigger on a Well-Timed Block, but judging by your initial comment that seems very unlikely.

    What nodes were active?
  • Severus35Severus35 Member Posts: 89

    The most I could see was that his Miss won't trigger on a Well-Timed Block, but judging by your initial comment that seems very unlikely.

    What nodes were active?

    Thanks for your help guys :)

    It was node5 in war (path2 section1).
    So besides +% attack and health there was : Strike counter Fury and Power struggle.

    I'm looking towards maybe some kind of mastery interaction maybe? But honestly i'm lost.

    I've ranked 3 Miles Morales mainly for this miss mechanic. If it's not reliable, it's really disappointing. :|
  • Mother_FlerkenMother_Flerken Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    edited August 2022
    Do you have the video you took the screenshot from? If you do post it and it should be easy enough to determine if there was a block press or an actual bug 👍
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,166 ★★★★
    Do you try to parry him while he is unblockable?
  • Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
    Even if you were to parry only the first hit should have landed, from the pics it looks like you ate a full 5 hit combo. Very weird interaction and would love if someone more knowledgeable could explain
  • Severus35Severus35 Member Posts: 89

    Do you try to parry him while he is unblockable?

    No i was not touching the screen on the left side on y phone screen when i took the first hit as if i were playing Ghost on phase mode.
    I held block at the end of the 5 hits combo though to maintain my position.

    Mattyy said:

    Do you have the video you took the screenshot from? If you do post it and it should be easy enough to determine if there was a block press or an actual bug 👍

    Halas no i don't anymore. I cut a tiny part of the initial video, the cut replaced the whole one.
    You can see me taking a few hits combo while DM is unblockable. I'm holding block at the end of the hit string but more as an habit when i take a hit by surprise.
    I'm gonna try and replicate it, hopefully not during war :D

    Even if you were to parry only the first hit should have landed, from the pics it looks like you ate a full 5 hit combo. Very weird interaction and would love if someone more knowledgeable could explain

    You're right. That could mean if you were to make the mistake of parrying the first unblockable hit you would eat the whole combo? I hope not :o
  • Severus35Severus35 Member Posts: 89
    Mattyy said:

    Do you have the video you took the screenshot from? If you do post it and it should be easy enough to determine if there was a block press or an actual bug 👍

    Halas no i don't have it anymore. I cut a tiny part from and it replaced the initial video. At the end of it you can see me taking a few hits while DM is unblockable and then holding block to maintain my position. But that's it.
    I'm trying to replicate what happened, hopefuly not during war :D

    Do you try to parry him while he is unblockable?

    No i was not touching the left side of the screen as if i were playing Ghost on phase mode.

    Even if you were to parry only the first hit should have landed, from the pics it looks like you ate a full 5 hit combo. Very weird interaction and would love if someone more knowledgeable could explain

    Yes i ate a full 5 combo. That would mean i should have tried to parry (not just block) every hit so my Camo couldn't work.
    I'd like very much to understand what happened. The whole fight in itself felt a bit weird as if my commands were delayed more than usual. Maybe the Unblockable icon was still displaying while DM was actually not unblockable?
  • Mother_FlerkenMother_Flerken Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Unfortunately with the video deleted it's impossible to determine what happened, taking your word for it that you didn't touch the screen then it'd be a bug since there's no node interaction which would've caused this but again without the video it's speculation so unless you can replicate it to confirm it's a bug you'll probably have some doubt using miles in the future and nothing will be looked at without evidence.
  • Severus35Severus35 Member Posts: 89
    I'll be sure to record my next fights with Miles when there's unblockable involved. :)
    Hopefully it's just a one time thing.
  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★
    edited August 2022
    I just tried against my own Dragon Man - nothing out of the ordinary happened... as uncooperative as the AI was with throwing specials

    Meanwhile, trying to push my awakened Hercules to SP2 was rather difficult considering he'd keep spamming SP1, presumably for True Sense (to bypass Miss, which he did)

    The SP2 completely Missed, as expected.
  • Severus35Severus35 Member Posts: 89

    I just tried against my own Dragon Man - nothing out of the ordinary happened... as uncooperative as the AI was with throwing specials

    Meanwhile, trying to push my awakened Hercules to SP2 was rather difficult considering he'd keep spamming SP1, presumably for True Sense (to bypass Miss, which he did)

    The SP2 completely Missed, as expected.

    Thanks for giving it a shot :smile:
    I'm really hoping it's not a bug and just a silly mistake on my part or an intented interaction i don't know about.
    I'll keep on playing Miles and see if i'm able to recreate that interaction.
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,166 ★★★★
    It's in aw right, can you screenshot the node? Aw tier 5 or higher?
  • SaiyanSaiyan Member Posts: 730 ★★★★
    edited August 2022
    You didn't miss anything. He's bugged and have been for about 2 months at least when I first saw this.

    I was about to R3 him but I brought him into a quest and he kept getting hit when he had 0 reason to get hit when enemies are unblockable.
  • Severus35Severus35 Member Posts: 89

    It's in aw right, can you screenshot the node? Aw tier 5 or higher?

    That fight took place in tier1. We're back in tier2 right now but i don't think it's any different (besides +%health and attack).
    I took a picture of the node :)

  • Severus35Severus35 Member Posts: 89
    Saiyan said:

    You didn't miss anything. He's bugged and have been for about 2 months at least when I first saw this.

    I was about to R3 him but I brought him into a quest and he kept getting hit when he had 0 reason to get hit when enemies are unblockable.

    Ah that's a shame :| That's exactly what i was afraid of.
    He's a super fun and useful champ but he has a really low health pool. If his miss mechanic doesn't work he loses his main interest.
    Has it been already reported or acknowledged by Kabam?
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