Kabam it’s time to upgrade cavs

RvzRvz Member Posts: 185 ★★
I mean it’s been a quite while since cavs came to the game. The game progression has been changed a lot. At least thronebreaker crystals should be shown in the game or a certain upgraded crystal which should be nexus or 4–6 stars or something. Cavalier crystals are so outdated and the odds are just horrible. The customized crystal for paragon players should be released at the moment? What do y’all think?

Kabam it’s time to upgrade cavs 9 votes

Sure 100%
mpakluckTrenzaloreFiiNCHBen_15455Draconic_12Dark_hoodsPowerOfACandle 7 votes
It’s still too early
TheBair123M1ke 2 votes
That’s not gonna happen
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