So who is tempted to run LOL easy path just for...

...20K 5 star shards? My only option is a R4 5* Storm, I'm bordering on 10K 5* shards right now, a LOL easy path clearance would give me 2 shots at likely disappointment Stark Spidey.
I don't want to pull an Anonymous2K here, I know he did this and got Colossus, but on the other hand if you don't take risks you don't get the rewards.
Anyone else contemplating this utter madness?
I don't want to pull an Anonymous2K here, I know he did this and got Colossus, but on the other hand if you don't take risks you don't get the rewards.
Anyone else contemplating this utter madness?
If I didn't do it, I reckon I'd always think back to "what if"...
I'm not saying don't do it (and I imagine a r4 5* Storm is a fairly good way to do it), but doing it for additional shots at a featured/getting a useful gem and not getting it does tarnish the experience somewhat. That said, if you have the units lying around, getting a first clear of LoL is never a bad option.
I had a skill awakening gem from 5.3 exploration, so I awakened him immediately. I'm hoping for a generic gem for exploring the entire act, then I can wake up Starlord for a full LOL run.
Thanks, I appreciate that failure is a likely outcome. I think I could stand the loss, it's just a question of whether I can find the time to fit in all of the battles. I'll have a think.
As you say, completing LOL is never a bad thing, and it will give me enough T2As to consider a possible 5* rank 5 when T5Bs are released (Starlord or Blade - tough choice!).
I was determined to wait until tonight for the basic pool to improve before popping my 30K crystals, so I just popped my awakening gem - got a cosmic, the only one I didn’t want as I had one already.
I was pretty angry, so I foolishly queued up two Spark featured crystals and popped them instantly... Spark and Winter Soldier. I nearly fell off my chair, I was bracing myself to be Kabammed.
So for me, this long and crazy journey was worth it. I really feel like I earned my pull as I worked really hard for it, but I sure had luck on my side as well.
But how I would kill for a tech awakening gem. Or two.
I hat allready 4 Trys and Missed But i got vodoo ultron cable and Hawkeye so it was ok for me i habe one more Try tomorrow 😊 and if that Not Happend than LOL ✌️