1º - Angela - does not need to be dupped to be good.
2º - Elektra - one of the best skill champions (not including the new ones).
3º - Dr. Voodoo - also is good even undupped.
I would go with:-
1) Dr Voodoo - need to be awaken
2) Angela - okay undupped
3) Elektra
4) Rocket Raccoon
5) Black Bolt
6) Gambit
7) Beast - need to be awaken
I would go with:-
1) Dr Voodoo - need to be awaken - no he dosent
2) Angela - okay undupped - duped ability is pointless
3) Elektra
4) Rocket Raccoon
5) Black Bolt
6) Gambit
7) Beast - need to be awaken
2º - Elektra - one of the best skill champions (not including the new ones).
3º - Dr. Voodoo - also is good even undupped.
Dr. Zola
1) Dr Voodoo - need to be awaken
2) Angela - okay undupped
3) Elektra
4) Rocket Raccoon
5) Black Bolt
6) Gambit
7) Beast - need to be awaken