Map 7/6 Ally LF 4 experienced players.

We are a solid veteran alliance of 5+ years. We have a great game life to real life balance. If you are looking for a good place to still progress but not feel like you constantly being tagged or being on the game every 10 to 15 minutes.

We are a combination Map 7/6 Ally.
Bg1 does Map 7x2, Map 6x3 building up to running all 5 days
Bg2 map 7x1, Map6x4 building up to running all 5 days
Bg3 Map 6x5

AQ score: between 460-475 million
Rank between 580-680

AW currently running an optional join of 2bgs and sitting at Gold 2

Looking for players with Map 7 experience or players ready to start trying Map 7 or even Map 6 as I am recruiting for each BG.

Must use Line for communication purposes
Must be about teamwork and communication with teammates first and foremost.
Must be able to be active just a few times a day to use up AQ and AW energy
Prestige must be at 9.5k or higher
Timezones: I am specifically looking for North America, South America, or UK to help keep up our timing that we currently have

If you are interested please reach out via Line. My id is zbot34. I will not respond on here or in game. Thank you


  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 473

    Now I am looking for 3 experienced Map 6 & 7 players
  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 473

    Now I am looking for 2 players but speaking to 1 currently as I write this so I may only need 1 more Player 👍
  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 473

    I am now looking for 1 player that is ready to try Map 6 or is a solid Map 6 lane clearer ready to take the next step in becoming a Map 6 boss killer
  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 473

    Looking for 2 experienced Map 6 players. I just got word today that someone has to leave us due to school. I know if you join an alliance before AQ begins on day 2 you can get those week's rewards although if you want to wait until the AQ weeks ends so as to not leave your current alliance high and dry I definitely understand and fully respect that. Please hit me up on Line zbot34 if you want to learn more about my alliance
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