What other speedsters are out there?

DanthexmanDanthexman Member Posts: 197
In the wider marvel universe, I can't really think of any other speedsters that are anywhere near as well known as Quicksilver. I'm sure there are some as I haven't really kept up with the canon. I just find it a bit funny that heaps can fly, have super strength, healing factor, shoot lasers, poison but only one (that I know of) that has super speed. How far off the mark am I?


  • DanthexmanDanthexman Member Posts: 197
    ESF said:

    Speed Demon is out there; he was on the Thunderbolts for a stretch in the mid-2000s

    There’s Whizzer from the Golden Age and the Squadron Sinister/Supreme

    Other than that, Marvel doesn’t do a ton of speed-based characters

    I feel like they did a quick cameo of The Whizzer in one of the series maybe? Am I imagining that? I remember the name, he was pretty ****
  • DanthexmanDanthexman Member Posts: 197
    Lpoo said:

    Makkari from Eternals, not as widely known before but is now

    Of course...one of the better eternals characters
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,120 ★★★★★
    Wanda's son Tommy aka Speed. Also I consider cannonball a speedster.
  • Matthew950Matthew950 Member Posts: 155
    The runner as well.... maybe act 8 boss?🤣
  • Ghost_DriverGhost_Driver Member Posts: 84
    The most notable ones that I think could be added is Speed, Runner, Makkari, Speed Demon, Whizzer, and Blur
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    Aurora and Northstar from Alpha Flight. Spitfire as one of the Invaders, circa WW2.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★
    Whizzer was in season 2 of Jessica Jones as a total joke character.

    Speed Demon
    Whizzer (Golden Age)
    Whizzer II (Squadron Supreme)
    Makkari (Eternals movie)
    Mercury (Golden Age, retconned to be Makkari before the gender flip)
  • DanthexmanDanthexman Member Posts: 197
    Didn't realise there are actually so many out there. That's pretty cool. @Sundance_2099 ,I knew I remembered him from somewhere!
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,751 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:
    Well, speeders per se, Aurora and Thor etc are not actually speeders, if kabam adds Cannonball (please do) for example, he wouldn't be characterized as such.
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    hmm, wasn't there a green speedster in one of the lego games you got for finishing all the races?
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    Jaded said:
    Well, speeders per se, Aurora and Thor etc are not actually speeders, if kabam adds Cannonball (please do) for example, he wouldn't be characterized as such.
    yeah, most of those are not 'speedsters' to my way of thinking. Sure, they can move really fast, but Carol, Thor, Monica, Cannonball, the Beaubier twins and Sentry all fly. To me, and I think most comics fans, speedsters are people who run real fast like Quicksilver or The Flash at the Distinguished Competition.

    I did forget one, there was a speedster in Ultimates 2, ISTR called Hurricane, but Quicksilver killed her by grabbing and running so fast she disintegrated from the physical forces.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,751 ★★★★★

    Searmenis said:

    Jaded said:
    Well, speeders per se, Aurora and Thor etc are not actually speeders, if kabam adds Cannonball (please do) for example, he wouldn't be characterized as such.
    yeah, most of those are not 'speedsters' to my way of thinking. Sure, they can move really fast, but Carol, Thor, Monica, Cannonball, the Beaubier twins and Sentry all fly. To me, and I think most comics fans, speedsters are people who run real fast like Quicksilver or The Flash at the Distinguished Competition.

    I did forget one, there was a speedster in Ultimates 2, ISTR called Hurricane, but Quicksilver killed her by grabbing and running so fast she disintegrated from the physical forces.
    Exactly, 100% agreed about speeders. Even Superman won against Flash once or twice, but he s no speedster. DC fans will crucify us if we call him that, lol.

    (Oh nonono, if we go to other earths' champs, let it be at least AoA, not Ultimates! )
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★

    Searmenis said:

    Jaded said:
    Well, speeders per se, Aurora and Thor etc are not actually speeders, if kabam adds Cannonball (please do) for example, he wouldn't be characterized as such.
    I did forget one, there was a speedster in Ultimates 2, ISTR called Hurricane, but Quicksilver killed her by grabbing and running so fast she disintegrated from the physical forces.

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