Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

G1 alliance recruiting.

What's good everyone I pray and hope y'all having a good day today...

So here goes I'm looking for player's that is active active for AQ and Season AW. We run 3 BGs for AQ and AW we are (Gold-1) and we almost made it to (Plat-4) so maybe next season we will be plat we are in Tier-5 with tactics we are organized with diversity and for the tactics we use I'm looking for player's that can handle there paths and can handle and help out on (Boss Island) I'm looking for player's that will communicate with there teams in the BGs they are in and with fellow teammates in the chat room when other members are asking questions or asking for help on the game this alliance is not only a alliance it's also a friend and family alliance I've had player's leave and retire last season and this season so I hope y'all can stay with us as long as they did with us l. well I hope some of y'all are interested and looking for a alliance and I hope to hear from y'all soon before the next Season AW starts...

Hamzah Ali

(Line I.D.) hamzahali3 or jvigil92 or shellie315

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