Juggernaut buff needs a tweak

He shouldn’t loose the cytorack gem when fighting cosmic champions. He should be great against KNULL terax and vision Arkus but he’s not because they place debuffs passively with out contact. Only against cosmics should this be exempt. The sp3 method isn’t practical. Please! Make this small change and make him a proper cosmic killer
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
And fighting with cosmic champ as a objective
Vision A
Can all counter Juggernauts gem without contact. That’s way to many cosmics that can weaken a champ with class advantage.
This is similar to Kingpin being awful against Void. Don’t use Kingpin against Void. Problem solved.
To just make a blanket statement that Cosmic champions cannot disable the gem would be broken. And it’s not difficult to reactivate the gem in those fights anyway. Personally, I’d say he should be armor break immune while the gem is active (still susceptible to armor break if you can deactivate the gem with a parry or other debuff first), but it’s not a champion killer that he isn’t.
Making Juggernaut’s gem permanent against Cosmics is not a positive suggestion to make the game better. It would be wildly overpowered and objectively bad for the game. You’d have a champion with 100% unstoppable uptime against 1/6th of the game. That’s nonsense.
I explained Knull’s mechanic because you seemed to think that the Mystic class needed a specific counterplay option to it. It doesn’t. Also, Juggernaut can activate his gem by throwing any special at Knull and will keep it active for the duration of the fight so long as you aren’t trying to parry mediums from Knull.
Juggernaut has some less than ideal Cosmic Matchups. Kingpin has some less than ideal Science matchups. Every class has fantastic champions with bad matchups in the class they are supposed to have advantage over. It’s okay. It happens. Nothing to scream at strangers over the internet about.