43 MIL LF Active Players// AW GOLD 2 AND AQ MAP 6 and 5// LINE PREFERRED//
Looking for 2 active players!
We are an chill alliance for players of all accounts and sizes. We are home to legend players who have completed all content to players who have at least completed cavalier or uncollected and are working on they roster. All we ask is for our members to be active and participate in AQ and AW and do their part.
We have Line chat but it is not required.
Alliance War: We have been Gold 2 the last 3 seasons.
We require 100% participation during the season
Off Season is optional.
Alliance Quest: We always break 200-250 million and get around 4,200 glory total.
We run all 3 BGs
BG1: 66655
BG2: 55555
BG3: 55555
Summoner Advancement: Between 400-600k
Please message me in game at Jmille85-1 or on Line chat at Jmille85 if interested in joining.