I’ll walk you through doom, he’s pretty simple. Medium hits inflict shock. If you charge a heavy while the opponent is next to you and shocked then they get a passive stun. Heavy attacks place a stagger, which nullifies the next buff proced by the opponent. SP1 is unblockable and activates the aura. SP1 steals the opponent’s power. Very helpful when the opponent is at high power. Every hit (including every hit of the SP1) while in aura steals power from the opponent and nullifies one buff on the opponent. Last 3 hits of SP2 inflict a pretty powerful incinerate, this is unblockable while aura is up. SP3 gives a passive stun and activates aura and gives a pretty nice fury buff for as long as aura is still up. If you get another SP3 while aura is still up, you gain another fury buff, and your max for those is 2. I’m sure you’ve heard about the “Doom cycle.” When the opponent is at 2+ bars of power, throw a SP3. Then, MM, LLLMM, SP1. The opponent goes down to below 2 bars and you go up to 2 bars. From there you can throw unblockable SP2 (because aura will be up) or do combos until you get to SP3 to get another fury.
TL;DR, heavy to nullify, SP1 to power steal and activate aura, SP2 for incinerates, SP3 for fury and aura
TL;DR, heavy to nullify, SP1 to power steal and activate aura, SP2 for incinerates, SP3 for fury and aura