Mole man :-(

Took my ranked down mole man for a spin, hoping that maybe I’d overestimated the hit he’d taken.
Winter soldier:
Without frenzy but keeping up true accuracy entire fight (as I would want to where I typically used him to counter evade or auto block) - 226 hits. Even with that I messed up once and went to my l3 which gave me a short frenzy. Going to say it would have been around 260 hits without that.
Playing the way I was used to- mainly in frenzy- 100 hits.
260 vs 100… Almost made me cry.
Winter soldier:
Without frenzy but keeping up true accuracy entire fight (as I would want to where I typically used him to counter evade or auto block) - 226 hits. Even with that I messed up once and went to my l3 which gave me a short frenzy. Going to say it would have been around 260 hits without that.
Playing the way I was used to- mainly in frenzy- 100 hits.
260 vs 100… Almost made me cry.
But as a rank 1 it was roughly 260 hits without frenzy (as in keeping him an evade counter) vs 100 hits with frenzy.
Basically he now does about 38% of the damage he used to do while keeping his true accuracy up.
I wish they had just met in the middle and let him keep it below 10 monster mass…. 😒
With him at rank 1:
If I play him against WS without entering frenzy, in other words to keep his utility up, it takes roughly 260 hits to take him down.
With him at rank 1:
If I play him using frenzy and maximizing damage, it’s about 100 hits.
All I was pointing out is that he’s lost about 62% of his attack value if you want to still use him as an effective evade counter…
I never thought the hit would be that big, but he’s doing like 2k crits on mediums!
Take your mole man and fight WS. First time never enter frenzy, play him like a normal champ and stick to l1 and l2 only.
Fight him again, frenzy, whatever and go ham.
Compare hit count…. It’s ugly.
At any rank, fighting with him without entering frenzy is 65% less damage than with it.
What’s so hard to understand?
Frenzy damage > Non-frenzy damage. Everyone already knows that.
I was just surprised about how huge the difference was. I’d say he’d lost 1/3 of his damage I could live with that cause he was a beast to begin with.
He basically loses 2/3 of his damage- just turns a 2 minute fight into a 5 minute fight. That’s huge.