We need an update on aq rewards after pushing and grinding for prestige it’s really not worth the pay out if we don’t get a buff on rewards . Easily put well stop opening cavs and buying odins in arena
Agreed. AW rewards have been addressed a few times through rank rewards and the loyalty store but AQ hasn’t been touched in a while. The glory store is severely lacking for those that are paragon.
It’s great to see new prestige champs but the hype to have them falls off when you realize the push to get them is for a minimal difference in t6b/t3a for top tier aq alliances.
The whole game need's buffing up,,AQ reward's AW reward's plus gameplay is still outta whack,,getting wrecked by a non unblockable special REALLY way too many bug's to mention
Please buff !!!
It’s great to see new prestige champs but the hype to have them falls off when you realize the push to get them is for a minimal difference in t6b/t3a for top tier aq alliances.
Please do something about it.