Willpower broken needs looked at ASAP

So, I have run suicides in every piece of content in the battle realm. When DE bleed expires the willpower evens out the poison on all non resistance champs see photo of AA against Bishop. Today AA is dying a slow death from the LQ poison see photo AA vs DOOM. This looks like a major bug please investigate. I have max willpower see photo. This also is happening in 6.1.5 where my storm poisoned to death. No NODES reducing healing please just take a look
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
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So from what it seems like a boost increases LQ damage proportionally to the new health whilst WP doesn't.
I dont run the recoil masteries so I'm not sure if this has always been the case but if it has been I think WP needs a description change.
I remember Kabam changing the way healing works years ago to be based in base health and not boosted health so this may very well be because of that
(Edit: this was typed before I refreshed and clarified that you were indeed boosted)
It’s been this way for a long time, it also the reason why champs with set regen in their kits (Mephisto, Ultron) don’t seem to gain much health when boosted by health nodes on defence
Willpower scales with base health (unless you want your war and AQ defenders to heal 400 - 1+k a tick).
Suicides, recoil scale with modified health.
So assuming you have 1,000 health and suicides tick you for 20 damage (2%), and willpower happens to heal you for 20 (2%) as well, net gain/loss is 0.
If you boost 20% health, you’ll have 1,200 health. Willpower will heal you for 20 (2% of 1,000) but suicides will tick you for 24 (2% of 1,200), resulting in a net loss.