Help me choose my first Mutant R4

OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,530 ★★★★
edited August 2022 in Strategy and Tips
About to rank up my first Mutant R4.

I don’t do War and not really into Battlegrounds, so primarily looking for content progression. May focus the next few weeks is going to be exploring 7.2 and 7.3 to get my rank up gem and hit Paragon. I don’t care about prestige as I’m not in a top Alliance. I run suicides 80% of the time.

I use Red Mags, Apoc, and Kitty the most. I’m leaning pretty strongly towards Apoc given how much I use him and given that I have fully mastered him. Kitty is my next choice, and would probably be my number 2 Mutant rankup. Only reason she isn’t my first choice is that I’m at best a mediocre player and haven’t fully mastered her yet. AA isn’t as high on my list since I run Suicides most of the time.

Let me know what you all think

Help me choose my first Mutant R4 15 votes

Apoc (Awakened, sig 20)
Colinwhitworth69RockypantherxLuke9523Yodabolt21Llessurwillrun4adonut 6 votes
Kitty Pride (Awakened, sig 74)
MityAntBrokenFiiNCHGiantwalrus56Ben_15455RiptideImeshmalinda2007TheFladh 8 votes
Red Mags (Awakened, sig 62)
AA (Awakened, sig 20)
Cable (Awakened, sig 27)
TragiC_X 1 vote
White Mags (unawakened)
Other mutant (please specify who in comments)
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