Shameless yet logical

MicklownickMicklownick Member Posts: 315 ★★
edited November 2017 in General Discussion
Now more then ever diversity and defender rating will define wars with the latest announcement.

I tried to fight diversity for a time, but in the end, it’s here.

Some were waiting for a massive f up from kabam with the amount of events colliding on the same day. I hesitantly say I’m impressed. Activity is way up from what I’ve seen in the lull leading up to all the new content. Today’s announcement on...not technically cheaters...but oh yeah on the exploitation meter was frustrating.

So now for the shameless part. Gold rift time!

As someone who is racing to embrace the inevitability of diversity, and understanding that every champ will be visible starting Tuesday in AW, give us a chance to get our defender rating up while running max diversity. If we have the gold, we can use this opportunity to highlight the very core of what diversity was meant to do.


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