Toad, Void or Sersi

AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
edited August 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Who's the better AW defender
I feel like all of them don't have enough damage on basic attacks to get a kill on a missed parry or intercept
The only way they can trouble others is through their annoying mechanics like Toad's poison or Void's debuff damage or Sersi's glancing
I feel like Sersi needs to be duped to be a good defender bcoz she neither gets her regen nor power gain when unduped.....the only way for her to inflict some meaningful damage is through Unblockable specials but those are pretty easy to dex so that pretty much rules her out of the equation IMO

Toad, Void or Sersi 13 votes

Toad (Duped)
RockypantherxXreissEtjamaBen_15455Celtic1981SurfinwalrusN0madImeshmalinda2007 8 votes
Ragnarok13Amazing_Demon050casual0 3 votes
Sersi (Unduped)
BrokenRenaxqq 2 votes


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