Use option in the Overflow Box
Hi @Kabam Zero
Firstly, just want to thank you for all of the changes for QoL program.
Secondly, I'm not sure if it is already on the to do list, and I think I remember seeing other players suggested it. I was wondering if it would be possible to add the Use option in the Overflow Box (think that is what it is called), I can imagine it would be quite useful and helpful for the players.
Firstly, just want to thank you for all of the changes for QoL program.
Secondly, I'm not sure if it is already on the to do list, and I think I remember seeing other players suggested it. I was wondering if it would be possible to add the Use option in the Overflow Box (think that is what it is called), I can imagine it would be quite useful and helpful for the players.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Sorry for the late response, just got around to reading this. It's certainly an interesting idea but there are some complications with using items from the stash.
Firstly most items either need a target(ie a hero) to be used on, need to be used in a specific context(ie a quest), or both. So for many items being able to "use" them from the stash would be awkward or just wouldn't make sense to do so.
Secondly, if an item is in the stash it means you should already have the items so it would logically be just better to use them from the standard use case of those items and then claim them later.
Thirdly, on a more technical note the items you see in the stash arent actually those items but rather boxes holding an item. While this may not seem to be a huge issue at glance, it does mean to use an item from the stash, we'd first need to unbox it(essentially claim it from the stash) before using it. This would require enacting some logic to temporarily go over the item limit just to use the item. This can be a little tricky to do and may invoke some odd behavior.
We totally understand the thought of "let's make using items in the stash easier" and are currently looking into some solutions to do that. We haven't quite settled on the exact design, so can't say more at this time.
Firstly thank you very much for taking the time and give us such an in-depth reply, it is much appreciated.
Secondly, yep your explain does make a lot of sense and hope you and the team are able to find a workable solution sometime in the future.
Thank you again for your time and hard work, and hope you have a good week ahead.