Act 7 Completion

DaBigGubGubDaBigGubGub Member Posts: 46
edited August 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Just completed Act 7 and figured I’d leave a few tips. First of all, I recommend everyone check our Mcoc Noob on YouTube if you’re pushing story content. His paths/explanations were super helpful. Second, if you have an IHulk, bring him to the final quest. He can cheese one of the paradox paths, and he did more damage to Kang than my r3 apoc and r5 herc when he was only an 5* r4. Finally, don’t be afraid to use units. I boosted for the final fight and ended up using 200 units on two team revives (could’ve been less if I realized Ihulks potential sooner). You won’t get a solo your first try, and the rewards are worth a little unit usage. If you’re really opposed however, revive farm Act 3 before going into the boss fight. Thanks for reading :)
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