Wong should be the first "tune up" since introducing champion balancing

buddy_LEEbuddy_LEE Member Posts: 280 ★★★
edited August 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
So I really think Wong is a cool champion, is very fun to play and I love how he works, there is a problem though... He seems to be in a sort of no man's land in the game.

1.) Wong is a ramp up champion and is great when ramped but this makes him not great for normal questing as fights are over before you can take advantage of his regen and utility such as energy damage mitigation.

2.) As a ramp champion he is very powerful when ramped in a fight but not to the point where he would be a good option for something like abyss or any future everest content

3) his buff control through sp3 is far too short to actually be useful until he is ramped up all the way at which point the fight would be over and couldn't effectively control any buffs

In conclusion even though I really enjoy playing this champ and kabam did a great job making a cool champion, he just won't be used and enjoyed unless he is being forced by someone like myself that finds him as cool as I do.

He is standing on a line between being an effective champion for normal content or being a beast for everest content and I hope a "tune" would have him step into one side or the other to give him a solid place in the game
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • ChuckD05ChuckD05 Member Posts: 178
    edited August 2022
    100% agree.

    My thoughts would be to keep the same strength of 3 and make it 2. It still would take a while but it would certainly feel better , and should be an easy change to scale.

    A stagger, similar to Jane F, on the sp1 or heavy would be nice. Maybe even a nullify on sp1?…. Not totally necessary, as I know he “punishes buffs” other ways, but this wouldn’t rule him out for any power gain fights , and would help gain power / ramp faster when using MD especially.

    Sp2 is his bread and butter when ramped so leave that be.

    Sp3 fate seal could be 20-30 Seconds and that wouldn’t break him either. Make it 10 seconds … and then 5 seconds for each spell active.

    He’s a great champ , with no real purpose as is. I agree. Tune him up!
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Maybe Act 8 will give him a chance to shine.
  • Normax_XNormax_X Member Posts: 672 ★★★★
    edited August 2022
    The only reason im debating the r4 is for the same reasons buddy lee just mentioned. he's such a fun champ and his damage is so good when fully ramped, but he does feel like he rly belongs nowhere unless im forcing myself to use him just cause I really enjoy him. Any tune up to lower his ramp would be amazing. making the sig get up to 3 spells instead of just increasing the duration of one of them, or capping them to 2 but with the same potencies, some sort of nullify other than the sp3 wouldn't break him, there's lots of things one can do to turn him around completely and I rly hope they do, he has amazing potential
  • edited August 2022
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  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    I kind of feel like wong should either have power control or buff control, but not both, I personally feel like power control is the way to go since if you want a champ with buff control that heals over the fight you may as well use Diablo, so giving him power control gives him a niche as a sustainable mystic that controls power.
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  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Ugh. Reading this makes me sad. Not because I have the kit — I don’t — but because it’s rough to be a kit in the No Man’s Land described in the OP.

    Not derailing, because this kit isn’t eligible for a tune-up, but that’s exactly what I see with Super-Skrull. I am pointing it out here only because it’s hopefully a design theory that Kabam can address moving forward: It’s totally fine if a character is like Aegon, where you know you need the long combo and for the persistent charges to build for the long fights, or to be like an Archangel, where if it bleeds and can be poisoned, it’s gonna die quick and in a hurry.

    But it’s rough to be a kit like what is described in the OP, or like Mr. Sinister or Super-Skrull, kits like that, where they are somewhere in this No Man’s Land where people won’t use them.

    I just think the designers work so hard on these, it really is something that could be more defined, and hopefully a potential tuneup for Wong will be the start
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  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Mike678 said:

    ESF said:

    Ugh. Reading this makes me sad. Not because I have the kit — I don’t — but because it’s rough to be a kit in the No Man’s Land described in the OP.

    Not derailing, because this kit isn’t eligible for a tune-up, but that’s exactly what I see with Super-Skrull. I am pointing it out here only because it’s hopefully a design theory that Kabam can address moving forward: It’s totally fine if a character is like Aegon, where you know you need the long combo and for the persistent charges to build for the long fights, or to be like an Archangel, where if it bleeds and can be poisoned, it’s gonna die quick and in a hurry.

    But it’s rough to be a kit like what is described in the OP, or like Mr. Sinister or Super-Skrull, kits like that, where they are somewhere in this No Man’s Land where people won’t use them.

    I just think the designers work so hard on these, it really is something that could be more defined, and hopefully a potential tuneup for Wong will be the start

    I honestly disagree. He has far more things that you may realize unless you use him. All he needs is shortened rampup and some form of nullify
    I hope it happens for you guys — as I always say, the game can always use more kits that people will invest resources and time to play
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    All he needs is a lot more utility & a shorter ramp up
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  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    Yep, I posted much the same about Wong 2 months ago in his spotlight thread. I still don't understand the point of this champ in 2022.

    Fun? Sure, I actually do enjoy the playstyle.
    Useful/practical (especially when compared to other champs of the same class who do the same thing)? Nah
  • GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,961 ★★★★★
    Wong and Gorr. Maybe Wiccan, interested on how he grows
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★

    Yep, I posted much the same about Wong 2 months ago in his spotlight thread. I still don't understand the point of this champ in 2022.

    Fun? Sure, I actually do enjoy the playstyle.
    Useful/practical (especially when compared to other champs of the same class who do the same thing)? Nah

    Or more, Wong just doesn't bring enough to the table to take him over Diablo. Giving him some mystic utility, either from power control of some sort or buff control, and making his ramp less of a pain, would bring him to a good spot.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Wong and Gorr. Maybe Wiccan, interested on how he grows

    Wiccan is very under the radar right now, I have a feeling people will look back on him like Spidey 2099 (maybe not quite the same, but in a similar way). He is very, very good in buff matchups and energy damage.
  • Ps_cr7Ps_cr7 Member Posts: 296 ★★
    100% agree. I hope kabam takes a look on this .
  • AntsiouAntsiou Member Posts: 191 ★★
    Nailed it on the head with this thread.
    would love to be able to use Wong in meaningful content (Act 7, maybe Act 8, AOL). He is fun to play, has great animations and style, and the kit is quite good. Unfortunately, hard to find a place for him in the current meta.
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  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,129 ★★★★★
    Guess we'll see what they decide to do, I know we like to think that us complaining is going to be the deciding factor but I imagine that they have the data to validate where he's underperforming and can make the necessary adjustments there.
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