Need a t1a daily arena

The t4b moving to daily is awesome. Thank you for that. The only thing missing and holding a ton of people back now is t1a's. Need to make a daily arena and definitely reduce the number of t1a's to rank a 5* up any level. 5 is way too much. @Kabam Miike any plans?
T2a daily quest will be even more awesome hehe, but probably only in my mcoc dream
Yes. Meant daily quest. Thanks for the correction
Wasn't meant as a correction, I was trying to clarify what you meant.
I don't want to grind a million points a day but I don't mind running a few paths in a quest.
Hope you didn't take it the wrong way.
Not at all. And agree with you on not wanting to grind for one. Quest would be best and more appropriate.