Upcoming Champion Buffs

Question regarding future buffs/reworks:
Kabam, are you still planning on adjusting champions individually or are you using synergies to enhance characters?
I ask this after seeing 2 recent examples of this: Black Bolt and Loki. I am sure we can all agree that both champs need buffs but with the "Inhuman Royal Family" synergy, BB has essentially been buffed because of this synergy. If it was just him, I would overlook it, but when Thor's (Ragnarok) "Like Old Days" synergy has buffed Loki, I became suspicious.
So is this the new trend? If so I am against it, unless you incorporate these synergies between 2 older characters. The way it is now, you will not experience Loki's buff unless you are lucky enough to pull a new Thor. This makes it virtually impossible for most players to experience buffs BUT if an individual buff or re-work is performed, everyone benefits...except for maybe Kabam. But really who would go after Thor to buff Loki or Medusa for BB?
Bottom line, I like unique synergies, but all the older characters need to be buffed on an individual level, rather than thru synergies with brand new characters.
Kabam, are you still planning on adjusting champions individually or are you using synergies to enhance characters?
I ask this after seeing 2 recent examples of this: Black Bolt and Loki. I am sure we can all agree that both champs need buffs but with the "Inhuman Royal Family" synergy, BB has essentially been buffed because of this synergy. If it was just him, I would overlook it, but when Thor's (Ragnarok) "Like Old Days" synergy has buffed Loki, I became suspicious.
So is this the new trend? If so I am against it, unless you incorporate these synergies between 2 older characters. The way it is now, you will not experience Loki's buff unless you are lucky enough to pull a new Thor. This makes it virtually impossible for most players to experience buffs BUT if an individual buff or re-work is performed, everyone benefits...except for maybe Kabam. But really who would go after Thor to buff Loki or Medusa for BB?
Bottom line, I like unique synergies, but all the older characters need to be buffed on an individual level, rather than thru synergies with brand new characters.
Quite possibly, but you would hope they would have learned that buffs like that to Hulk and Winter Solider went over quite well, and both play a lot better now. I would love to see more buffs like these to the older champs.
This should reinforce the OPs thoughts...if a 3* does not have the same synergies, we cannot rely solely on synergy buffs as a way to fix bad characters.
Wanna experience Loki's buff? Spend money, get units, buy crystals, get Thor (Ragnarok).
Any other way that doesn't involve players spending money is not worth Kabam's consideration.
=more kills = more revives
Also = a happier player base who can CHOOSE what champs they want to fight with.