The arena of legends is boring

Why is the number of points so low that you are bored ... Kabam should have made the scene smoother ... I don't want yard prizes anymore 660 This fight is too much
I despise arena. But this is cake. You can knock this out in 6 hours spread over 7 days. I'll be done in 4 days with 1.5 hours casually spread out over the day.
I grinded my life away for 4* Iceman back in the day and missed him by 10k (what was that about 7m?). Still bitter about it and that was waaaaaay more time consuming and didn't even get the prize.
For any arena grinder, this is nothing and you get a guaranteed 6*... Might be meh, but might be amazing too. That's the gamble on this one - the time in arena is way less than a basic 6* arena though.
Kabam might thinks the rewards they give us is too much... but in reality it's not. Nobody who has earned paragon title needs 10k 6* shards guys, it's meaningless these days. I would like to get those units but it's not worth the effort.
To make 250M+ to get a featured 6 star (which the line is often now much higher then that), you need about 1000 rounds in 3 days. Yes... more than 4 times as many rounds in 1/3 of the days... and you can't even rely on short refresh timers and grinding for 3-4 hours straight to power through while "watching" a football game or something.
Last year I passed on this. This year, I'll be "visiting family" (aka watching TV all weekend as that's what they like to do)... so while the gameshow network is on in the background, I guess I'll be doing this (as it isn't like there is any other content in the game to work on at the moment).
At least we know its 4m. Not 4.1m, not 4,000,001... 4m, and done.
All this to say, now I see how almost nothing in this game is worth the time investment required. Sure some of its fun. But most of it is just designed to be a punishing grind.
Case in point, this arena.
6 hours of "grinding" on this one will get you all of the milestones in this arena. Or just do whatever you can or are comfortable with and stop when you need to or want to (or don't do it - it's not required, it's an extra event) How many times do people get upset when they can't complete CAV difficulty, or get the top rewards in a side event when the difficulty is kicked up a notch and they struggle against it? This is not for everyone based on the effort, but it is available for everyone who does it.
Again, I don't like arena one single bit. But how is this different than any other arena "grind" for the top rewards - other than this is a legendary appreciation arena by name? I'm all for making it shorter, less points between milestones, better ways to get point modifiers and/or more points. But in the grand scheme of things, a 6 hour arena grind spread out over 7 days that nets a guaranteed 6* (some will be bangers and some will be duds) is still, IMHO, better than an all weekend grind for just a chance at a 6* that you're not guaranteed to get and will take waaaay more time to complete.
Also you can't blindly say people are only going to get a Groot or Psychoman. That's RNG and there on every crystal. Yes, some will get terrible champs, but if you pull a Nimrod or a Doom - whoever you think is good, it's well worth it. The point is, it's another 6* opportunity and a fraction of the time you would have to grind in the 6* basic pool with many more days to do it.