Bugged 7.3 kang


  • Stanlee_752Stanlee_752 Member Posts: 8
    Kang is hitting in his wounded phase also
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,593 ★★★★★
  • Stanlee_752Stanlee_752 Member Posts: 8
    There is nothing to reduce ability I guess
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,593 ★★★★★
    Do you run pacify?
  • Stanlee_752Stanlee_752 Member Posts: 8
    It works only on stun
    And he isn't stunned in his wounded phase
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, would you happen to have footage of what you're seeing? Or would you be able to share with us the info requested in the forum bug report template?
  • Stanlee_752Stanlee_752 Member Posts: 8
    Well I have a small video but it's not allowing me to upload it here and about what happened kang was in his wounded phase and for the first half it went normally after that he started hitting ultron back and i got KOed
    Even after the fight ultron had 6 cross fights power charges
    I use a redmi note 10 pro and Android version 11
  • Stanlee_752Stanlee_752 Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2022
    Any else info required?
  • KlippKlipp Member Posts: 202 ★★
    This was a while back but I had this same issue and it was extremely frustrating because it definitely cost me a few revives when it happened and it was more than once. I had a video at the time but didn’t want to deal with the frustration of dealing with kabam support.
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