Almost a week without Skill Advancement...

Why does it seem like they deliberately avoid the advancement event to match the most recent new champ? I've got my 3* Blade waiting to max out and haven't had a skill advancement since I got him...
I am also waiting for Skill.
Unfortunately, I've already done all the skill champ rank and level up during the 22H Level Up event.
1) In general, there's zero correlation with any other factors or parameters
2) It appears random without any seemingly observable pattern
3) Sometimes a specific CLASS's advancement can miss a week, but never misses 2 weeks straight
4) Sometimes 2 of the CLASSES' advancement may miss a week, but never misses 2 weeks straight
5) Sometimes a specific CLASS's advancement may appear twice in a week, even if these 2 may only be 3~4 days apart, but almost never appearing 3 times in a week
6) Sometimes 2 of the CLASSES' advancement may appear twice in a week respectively
7) The orders of CLASS advancement is at random, no apparent pattern or sequence
8) The CLASS advancement does NOT seem to have any inter-dependency with a prior solo event (or a subsequent solo event), it appears the CLASS advancement solo event itself is random while the solo event before it and after it are also random and no interlink
In conclusion, just check back ~3 times a day for these 6-7 hours short solo event. Check more if there's an on-going Level-Up event, in case if we may catch a short windows that 2 separate CLASS ADVANCEMENT events may overlap with the same Level-Up event.
Let's DON'T BOTHER to question how random is random, or whether Kabam is secretly controlling the occurance of this CLASS Advancement event trying to screw our lives up (I'm sure they are not
Tech and Level Up again now.