New Bug in Goldblum quest

I'm testing my 5* Blade in this quest and i saw a strange bug
If in a fight my Blade koed then on re-fighting with the opponents Life Transfer doesn't triggering further the total max health of opponents dropped to 20k health and it's very easy to beat them in 5-6 hits only
I've already completed Goldblum weeks ago but thought of mentioning it here
Daintydesert (IGN)
If in a fight my Blade koed then on re-fighting with the opponents Life Transfer doesn't triggering further the total max health of opponents dropped to 20k health and it's very easy to beat them in 5-6 hits only
I've already completed Goldblum weeks ago but thought of mentioning it here
Daintydesert (IGN)
Above are the pics of drop in health
No buffs on opponents is working no degen no unblockable special of opponents etc
There is already a thread about that issue
Ohh didn't knew that sorry
Hope so haha
All jokes aside @Kabam Miike should provide an update on this.
Last Loki wasn’t a long fight for most, but knowing this bug in advance will affect legend runs.
Yes might affect some people i guess