Changing Characters names

Hi, I was wondering if you could change the names of these characters
Because these characters models from the movies, are clearly inspired from these comic book inspirations names
Iron Man (Infinity War) to Iron Man (Bledding Edge)
The armor of this movie is clearly inspired of Bledding Edge Armor
Hulk (Ragnarok) to Hulk (Green Scar) or Hulk (Worldbreaker) or just only Green Scar
Because by changing this Hulk name you basically just need one Hulk more to complete the main personas of The Hulk that being the Profesor Hulk
Because these characters models from the movies, are clearly inspired from these comic book inspirations names
Iron Man (Infinity War) to Iron Man (Bledding Edge)
The armor of this movie is clearly inspired of Bledding Edge Armor
Hulk (Ragnarok) to Hulk (Green Scar) or Hulk (Worldbreaker) or just only Green Scar
Because by changing this Hulk name you basically just need one Hulk more to complete the main personas of The Hulk that being the Profesor Hulk
says you.
And don't worry, I'm not mad at you, a joke is a joke.
But I'd still like to know if anyone else agrees that they should change the names of the characters to their comic book counterparts.