Your neurotoxin chances will increase and really destroy your enemy, excluding poison and bleed immune champs. Look to get his nuro tox chances to 33% or better which is around sig 50. Mine is 5/50 sig 80 or so and is really fun to use, took Thor rag in master mode down in 35 hit 0 recieved
Your neurotoxin chances will increase and really destroy your enemy, excluding poison and bleed immune champs. Look to get his nuro tox chances to 33% or better which is around sig 50. Mine is 5/50 sig 80 or so and is really fun to use, took Thor rag in master mode down in 35 hit 0 recieved
*facepalm* you guys can’t read. Neurotoxin has the same probability (100%, each bleeding caused on a poisoned enemy) to be triggered when duped or unduped. What changes when duped is that neurotoxins block regen and reduce of a % (33.91% at 60) the activation of enemy’s abilities, comprised the nodes they are on, so in example you can stun stun-immune nodes, and such.
yes go all the way till R5 5/50!!! you won't get it wrong!
Helps him a lot, it reduces ability accuracy, so if they have neurotoxin it'll reduce their ability accuracy.
You can turn things off like evade, healing, fury... most abilities basically aslong as they can bleed and poison to make neurotoxin.
*facepalm* you guys can’t read. Neurotoxin has the same probability (100%, each bleeding caused on a poisoned enemy) to be triggered when duped or unduped. What changes when duped is that neurotoxins block regen and reduce of a % (33.91% at 60) the activation of enemy’s abilities, comprised the nodes they are on, so in example you can stun stun-immune nodes, and such.