Need some Help with a RoL team

GohkanGohkan Member Posts: 2
I recently started mcoc and want to see if I can beat the famous RoL. Do you have any team suggestions for me?


  • GohkanGohkan Member Posts: 2

  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    edited August 2022
    I think your Kitty Pryde will do a lot of work for you in ROL… I recently tested my 5* 3/45 (about the same strength as yours) and she had no issue with most fights….

    However, when you get to wolverine, you might encounter a roadblock. For that one you either need a way to block his healing (ideally even reverse it) or consistently keep him at zero power (his healing is based on current power level)…

    I am not very familiar with a lot of the newer champs, so I don’t really know if any of your champs is viable for that, but as I said: Either regeneration-counter, or permanent power lock.

    Good luck!

    Star lord could just brute force through Wolverines healing if you can sustain a combo and keep his power level low (bait special 1), but he needs to be awakened… And ideally ranked up…

    I remember doing it with a 3* Starlord back when perfect Block teams where a thing and SL had no cap on his damage-scale, but it literally took about a thousand hits per opponent, Wolverine maybe double that…
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    RoL is the kind of content that is going to be around forever. If you wait 6 months, your champs are going to be so much better and it will be a lot easier for you
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,070 ★★★★★
    I agree with the others. It's doable with your roster - there's a challenge at the endgame level to go through it with a few different 3* champions, and you've got those - but it'll be a lot more manageable when you've grown your roster a bit. Wolverine, especially, is a pain and needs a very precise counter or he'll just heal back up to full health in an instant. I don't see anyone on your team that can take that fight that isn't a 3*. I've beaten ROL Wolverine with both 3* She-Hulk and 3* Guillotine 2099 so you technically have counters that work, but it'll be super hard. I recommend waiting. There's a ton of stuff to do anyway and that content isn't going anywhere.
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