Need advice with Knull

Felix33Felix33 Member Posts: 47
Hello there,
I have an unawakened 6* R3 Knull. He is a very interesting character, very cool animations and I do like him, I like playing with him when I do. I also have cosmic r4 gem and I am tempted to use it on him but for some reason I don't love him.
By that I mean, he has not become my "go to" guy. Although on paper he doesn't look a like character where he would be useful or useless under specific conditions, I always think "naah he is not ideal for this". On the other hand, I thought overseer (not very comparable champs, I know) was a bad pull and now I can't get enough of him.
I should also note that I got him after act 7 exploration rewards and there wasn't much opportunity to test him with big health pools.

Anyone else feel the same way? Or just tell me it's me, not him and that I don't deserve him.


  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,184 ★★★★★
    I love Knull. I was really eager to get him last year but since Cav crystals are horrible... I passed on it. I also got him from Act 7 Exploration... twice then I pushed him to Sig 200 and R4 immediately. Knull is an all around champion with a lot of utilities but definitely not ideal for all. Anti-Armor Ups, Heal Block through Despair, Nuke Damage, Anti-Evade and Auto-Block, among others. After I got him, I used him on Abyss twice and he's definitely a beast there and got a lot of solo for me when I did my exploration.

    Overseer is underrated, R4 worthy too. His utilities are really nifty too. I suggest checking BMcG out on Youtube.
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