Abyss Champion abilities wrong

Why does Abyss Champion have Yondu's description? How am I supposed to know what he does in Abyss? Is there somewhere I can go to look it up or the rest is just normal? 

Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
For future here is a breakdown on all lanes and what champs do on top of the brand of abyss nodes.
ps: what path u taking with this team? Im not sure who to bring for Carina Challengers tbh
About 50-60 revives. I had terrible inputs and RNG tho.
ps: i still dont own Shan Chi, so i dont even know what he does :S
Void (heal reversal)
Shang Chi (slow & big damage) and Moleman (big damage/TA) can be interchangeable need one or the other to counter Invisible Woman
She Hulk (slow/big damage), Longshot/ Voodo(DOT/punish buffs), and Diablo all interchangeable IMO
Gully2099/ Ultron for Havoc but I personally recommend Gully2099. You will see why I do based on video up above.