New Build up Alliance looking for casual players

New build up alliance, need some casual players does not matter what your progression is. Looking to casually play AQ/AW for some minor rewards and keep it fun.

Have line/discord but it’s not required, hit me up in game Luffy-3DX2Y or line ID: Sayiangoku07


  • Jamison07Jamison07 Member Posts: 20

  • DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    I’m Cavalier, Prestige 10,738 – total base hero rating of 1,860,574.

    I need to take a step back from the game, so I’m looking for an alliance where I don’t need to participate in AQ or AW, but still get the minor rewards from some of the Alliance Events.

    I’m literally only gonna auto-fight monthly content for a while – so basically play MCOC on “manager mode”, and then basically just Max rank all my 3* champs.

    Am I welcome to join?
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