Do you think alliance quest rewards require a buff

So I dunno if anyone else feels aq is so boring and the rewards after playing for 5 days are pretty mehh and buffing aq rewards would make it aleast a little more fun and worth while.

Do you think alliance quest rewards require a buff 28 votes

Yes buffed rewards would be nice
SiliyoDrZolaIndrick781Carnage313Duo_KulioCropDusterGarloGogeta91199Chazz34_Sham_Dose_rocksMaratoxSpider_RicoBawa69Deamon1337RenaxqqGiantwalrus56Soyheyor123CaptainDenversCharlie21540 27 votes
No rewards are fine as they are 🥴
Ewell65SSS69 1 vote


  • WarlockjrWarlockjr Member Posts: 811 ★★★
    Yes buffed rewards would be nice
    I mean your not wrong
  • Dose_rocksDose_rocks Member Posts: 29
    Yes buffed rewards would be nice
    Absolutely! It use to be best part of the game and now its not. As said before glory, gold and iso all needs a buff it was fine 2 years ago but with the pending doom of R4/R5 6* champs its useless and all goes to fast. Also same a war crystals from wins and loses needs fixing
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