Champion Overhaul Proposal Spotlight: Groot

L_217L_217 Member Posts: 109 ★★
edited September 2022 in Suggestions and Requests

Stats Based on a 5/65 5 Star

The Gentle Giant of the Guardians of the Galaxy has been for a long time been an angry stick that provides no real benefit to have. The proposed buff melds components from King Groot's kit into a formidable standalone champ that can also provide support to his team in a pinch. Bombard opponents with his wooden arsenal and truly embody the words "I AM GROOT!".

Arborous Body – Passive:

-> Being a Flori colossus, Groot’s wooden body provides immunity to Bleed, Shock, Power Drain and Power Burn.
-> +668.01 Physical Resistance.
-> Incoming Debuffs suffer 70% reduced duration.

Groot Spores – Passive – Max 10 Stacks:

->Whenever idling for 1 second or blocking a hit, Groot releases a Spore.
->Each Spore reduces the potency of the Opponent’s Armor effects by 10%.
->A Spore is lost anytime a buff is nullified or Groot is struck.

Heavy Attacks:

->Groot converts half of the Spores on himself into a Recovery Passive, increasing Regeneration Rate by 15% for 10 seconds.

Special Attacks – I AM GROOT!:

->Launching a Special Attack sends Groot into a rage, granting Groot a Fury buff increasing Attack by 201.06 per each Spore on Groot.
->While I AM GROOT! is active, a Spore is consumed every 1.5 seconds and he cannot gain nor lose Spores.

Special Attack 1 – Thorny Branch:

->This attack deals True Damage and removes all Armor effects from the opponent.
->Generate a Thorns Buffs for 10 seconds, inflicting 335.1 Physical damage back anytime Groot is struck by Physical Contact.

Special Attack 2 – Regrowth :

->This attack is Unblockable and regains 3536.1 Health over 10 seconds.
->This attack deals a burst of 670.2 Physical Damage per each Spore used in the fight, up to a maximum of 13404 Physical Damage.

Special Attack 3 – I AM GROOT!:

->If used to activate I AM GROOT!, expend a Spore every 2.7 seconds instead.
->Inflict a Bleed Debuff for each Spore used in the fight, dealing 893.6 Direct Damage over 16 seconds, Max Stacks: 20.

Signature Ability – WE ARE GROOT!

->Groot carries 10 to 60% of his Spores between fights and can use them to provide benefits to his teammates.
->Expend 2 Spores to activate a WE ARE GROOT! Pre-fight, granting the below bonuses to any Champion but himself:
->+20% Physical Resistance.
->Regain 2 to 6% of missing Health whenever activating a Special Attack.
->Once per fight, instead of being Knocked Out, recover 5% of Max Health and gain a Protection buff reducing all Incoming Damage by 50 to 99% until your next successful hit.

Synergy Additions:

The Guardians of the Galaxy with Rocket Racoon, Star-Lord, Drax and Gamora (solo):
->WE ARE GROOT! Grants a Recovery Passive, increasing Regeneration Rate by 20%.

Oh Yeah! with Rocket Racoon:
->Groot: Each personal Fury buff on Groot also increases Critical Damage Rating by 150.
->Rocket Racoon: Critical Hits deal an additional 30% of the damage dealt as Physical Damage.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • TripleBTripleB Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Wow, this is an absolutely amazing overhaul, nothing looks too OP but the rotation seems smooth! Lots of utility and the possibility of decent damage.
    One thing I really wish that Kabam added was when you created a team of Guardians of the galaxy, they made each other even more amazing like the fantastic four. I like your hint at that with the first synergy mentioned.
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