The Wolverine fight requires a specific counter to either stop or reverse his healing. If you share your roster, we might be able to help you out with your best options.
The Wolverine fight requires a specific counter to either stop or reverse his healing. If you share your roster, we might be able to help you out with your best options.
I don't remember the rewards but it's probably not worth it for an Uncollected player unless u can do it completely itemless Primary focus should be on getting Cavalier, then exploring Act 5, then doing a few variants Ur roster is not enough to get Cavalier so u can explore Act 5 & try to do as much of Variants 3 & 4 as u can
I recently became uncollected but the point of the post was to question the rewards of rol being worth it
The rewards are very much outdated, but the content itself also isn’t very difficult. Outside of Wolverine, it’s just fights with large healthpools and nothing special about them.
If you did choose to do it, your Magneto would make short work of that Wolverine fight.
Because the wolverine seems impossible it's quite hard and from what I've seen the rewards aren't worth it? Should I do it?
Eventually you may get to the point in your game where your roster is strong enough to continually beat Winter Soldier, and possibly a few others. At that point ROL's value will lie in that it is one of the better (if not best) places to farm Lv 3 health potions.
Although the rewards are very dated, this quest literally takes 15-20 minutes to 100% it. Initially it's so much easier now then it was back when this was considered hard content.
Beating ROL was worth it at the time I did it and it made me a better player. The Wolverine fight is still the longest combo I've ever had in the game. 1511 with a 3* SL lol. The rewards aren't worth it anymore but it's satisfying to beat it while it is still challenging. I can autofight the entire thing with my 6* r4 Diablo now.
The Wolverine fight requires a specific counter to either stop or reverse his healing. If you share your roster, we might be able to help you out with your best options.
The rewards are outdated, and probably won't help your progression much. If you're dead set on doing it your 4* Cosmic Ghost Rider & Hercules should get you through most of the fights. That 4* Omega Sentinel is perfect for the Wolvie fight (make sure to activate her heal block mode). Fill out the rest of your team with synergies that'll boost attack or champs you're proficient in using. Good luck!
Primary focus should be on getting Cavalier, then exploring Act 5, then doing a few variants
Ur roster is not enough to get Cavalier so u can explore Act 5 & try to do as much of Variants 3 & 4 as u can
If you did choose to do it, your Magneto would make short work of that Wolverine fight.