looking for Gold 3 alliance

Looking for an active gold 3 alliance


  • OnkyOnky Member Posts: 361
    If you can handle map 5 with epic modifiers we are a gold 2 alliance, I'll give you a shot. Line is required, my id is onky707
  • ZekedamamZekedamam Member Posts: 256 ★★
    Onky said:

    If you can handle map 5 with epic modifiers we are a gold 2 alliance, I'll give you a shot. Line is required, my id is onky707

    I sent you a request on line
  • OnkyOnky Member Posts: 361
    I haven't seen it. Request to join with tag 3DIRT
  • ZekedamamZekedamam Member Posts: 256 ★★
    I sent a request
  • OnkyOnky Member Posts: 361
    Cool, find me on line app . I'd= onky707
  • Willa08Willa08 Member Posts: 43

    We’re looking to replace some members after war season that will be moving on. We are still young alliance with strong members. We have friendly and helpful alliance members with no Drama.

    AW, we are currently Gold 2 and pushing to get Gold 1. We run 3 BGs and sort out diversity.
    AQ, we do 3 BGs of map 5 with Epic and Master mods, we have started running some BGs Map6 for the members who want to have more of a challenge. We get 4k+ Glory a week.
    We use LINE app as our main communication, and we also have different BG groups as well to make sure communication is perfect

    We want 5 or 6 new active members who will help carry the load, we don’t have much of a preference in terms of time zone, as long as you participate.
    We require at least Cavalier players with a big enough roster that defenders would not interfere with your questing, 10k Prestige would be perfect but we’re not set on that, above 800k Base Hero Rating preferred but also not set in stone.
    We're ramped up communication and organization the last 2 seasons and want to make the push to G1 or Plat4. But we need dedicated and active members that will help us grow and achieve that goal.
    If you are interested in joining us please add me or one of our officers in game or on LINE app:
    [BWOOK] The Bush Wookies
    IG- jayo1321
    LINE – jayo1321
    IG – Willablitz08
    LINE – willa0808

    IG – Breener
    LINE – Breener IE

    IG – Hycee
    LINE – Hycee

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