Worst luck ever? got kabamed hard.. 7 featured crystals for nothing.. its game over for me

ariebrklariebrkl Member Posts: 21
how can this be? its unbelievable..
months of hard saving.. i saved 105k 5*shards..was going for spidy stark
not only i didnt get spidy stark i got all the worst 5* champs
ppl opening 1 crystal and got him and i never got a featured champ (0/9)
obviously its the end of the road for me.. i quit the game
just wanted to share it


  • Mr_ChrisMr_Chris Member Posts: 109
    It's happened to a lot of people. Not that it should cheer you up. Sorry for your bad luck.
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  • DegirmenciogluDegirmencioglu Member Posts: 93
    I don’t see why they have the crystals setup this way. What’s the point in opening if you know 98.9% of time you’ll be disappointed...
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    ariebrkl wrote: »
    how can this be? its unbelievable..
    months of hard saving.. i saved 105k 5*shards..was going for spidy stark
    not only i didnt get spidy stark i got all the worst 5* champs
    ppl opening 1 crystal and got him and i never got a featured champ (0/9)
    obviously its the end of the road for me.. i quit the game
    just wanted to share it

    Auf wiedersehen!
  • Reformation_RyanReformation_Ryan Member Posts: 60
    I hear ya @ariebrkl. It may be the most frustrating and poorly designed part of this game. I’ve commented on a few of these posts that 5* featured need to be changed. With a scaling system, so if you save for 5+ crystals..you should absolutely get the champ by the fifth crystal. Maybe your chances increase as you get to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th but if you don’t have that given champ by then, you absolutely get him by the 5th.

    If someone really wants a new champion enough to blow 3+ month resources on (75 5k shards) then they should deserve that champion.

    I got a guy in my alliance that is 0 for 20 and then a guy that is 4 for 5 (mephisto, duped blade, and stark spidey) all in the last 3 months. How the **** does that work?
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    What was the 7 featureds that you pulled?

    I couldn't wait for that long if I had that many 5 star shards. When I get enough for a featured I just start thinking about what to use it on. Get tense if I'm stuck with shards and nowhere to use them.
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    I know how you feel. I a few weeks ago saved and opened 36 PHC and got 3 3* from my 3* crystals I got **** and so was my 4* crystal
    Yesterday I also grinded and finished master and did a grand opening of the following:
    33 PHC = 3 old 3* champs
    8 3* crystals = ALL old champs
    4 4* crystals = spidergwen, spiderman, gamora and storm!
    1 5* crystal = duped my Magik AGAIN and now she's sig 100 (ironically this was actually the "best" one out of all of them)!
    I didn't even get 1 new 3*! Was hoping for at least a 3* Stark Spidey but noooooo.
    ALL ****!!!
    Meanwhile my alliance are opening nebulas stark spideys icemans etc etc e **** tc.
    Game is 100% rigged especially against vet players who don't pay!
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    The OP and me should be friends. Thankfully, I watched someone pull 5* stark and I decided to try and i got OML and stopped. I at least have 70k left still to wait for december like planned, although ill still get all terrible pulls. Complaining about 5* magik dupes makes me very angry. I'd kill for her and I'd go on a killing spree for SL. I don't even have a 4* SL because I have 70 4*s and almost all of them I got from grinding arenas. I get the same champs from 4* crystals over and over.. magneto, falcon, deadpool, IP, IF, abomination, war machine, spider gwen, luke cage, etc. Those are all the heroes I do pull. In the one random chance I do get a decent hero, it's one I already got from areana. I have no SL, wolvie, ultron and AOU vision have been unduped for almost a year, etc.

    I have not seen a 4* from PHC since April...and I grind every arena every time and get in top 10%. So, no it has nothing to do with not playing a lot. In fact, I noticed the people who don't play seem to get good pulls (kinda like someone who hasn't been to a casino will win right away to get them rehooked). Imagine the numebr of arena crystals I have opened, and I don't even have a 4* punisher.

    If it was pure RNG, Kabam would have the drop rates posted. I think it has to do more with spending $$$ than anything.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    As far as I have seen for mostly the featured is a loosing proposition and with additions, the rates must surely drop unless they keep the featured hero at a set percentage of the crystals content. But even before that constant complain about IP and Antman dropping. It is pretty much that way in every crystal. You hit the top.. or the ****...at about 3 percent tops spin 3 and beef up your stable by duping.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    And get dem 6 shards
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,126 ★★★★★
    i heard u need some of my luck?
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    For the love of god I need luck. I am going to seriously quit soon if this keeps up when I open the rest of my 5* in dec because I am becoming averse to opening crystals, which means I won't ever spend and means I won't want to play something that isn't fun.
  • G0311G0311 Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    If you feel so bad from bad pulls that you want to quit, then theres your problem. Don't put some much emphasis on 5 stars making you happy. Shrug it off and move on or quit.
  • Freyes1968Freyes1968 Member Posts: 1
    It’s only a game, don’t take it too seriously and try to enjoy while you are at it. Peace!
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    My suggestion for the featured 5 star is that they should be a guaranteed buy for a specific amount of shards one time only for each featured hero that is new and you only have like dunno 12 hours or hell even an hour to watch out for that featured hero offer and that would be tbe only chance you can get it guaranteed for like 50k 5 star shards.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    ariebrkl wrote: »
    how can this be? its unbelievable..
    months of hard saving.. i saved 105k 5*shards..was going for spidy stark
    not only i didnt get spidy stark i got all the worst 5* champs
    ppl opening 1 crystal and got him and i never got a featured champ (0/9)
    obviously its the end of the road for me.. i quit the game
    just wanted to share it

    I went 1 for 11 on sparky and got cage, kamela, groot in first 5 pulls. It is what it is. Got him on my 10th.
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    the more you open the worser u get u should try 1 time if u get a crazy trashy champ call it a day and i'm so sorry to say this kabam but 5* are even not closer to random :
    90% trash
    1% a descent champ

    why the hell on earth there is old champs in featured crystals ?!?!?!?!?!? they must have only new champ and make them worth 20k shards nothing random when u open 5 and find them all trash nothing random
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    The odds are extremely poor. You only have yourself to blame.
  • KHAOSKHAOS Member Posts: 21
    Nice to know I’m not the only one with bad luck on these crystals. I’m 0 for 15 on featured 5*. Each time I think my luck will change. Im a bad gambler lol
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    You aren’t guaranteed a good champ which is why I don’t save for featureds
  • SpiderCoolsSpiderCools Member Posts: 615 ★★★
    If its not too much bother, what champs did you get? I for one don't get featured crystals because you're gambling 15k shards for a champ that you have a chance at getting from spending 10k shards
  • BullybreedBullybreed Member Posts: 17
    Hahaha...im 0 for 20 on featured 5*..i havent even pulled a sub featured from them either...so i know your pain. I also missed stark spidey, again. This most recent miss along with the culmination of the others has displeased me more than any nerf or change or bs kabam has made to the game...they need to fix this. Why not just buy an account with the champs you want??
  • BuzzBeeBuzzBee Member Posts: 71
    I feel sorry for you man. Not sure if this gonna ease your pain but I learned to never ever go for Featured. Wait for that 5* to be added to the pool. After like 3-4 months.

    It is like waiting for the dvdrip copy in torrent of a great movie you've been wanting to watch.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    Only Sparky I have is a 2*. A friend of mine opened 1 5* featured and got him. Then a short time later, opened a 4* and got him. LOL
  • Master_MordoMaster_Mordo Member Posts: 6
    I have seen worse, check on Seatin's youtube, he opened 35 featured crystals for blade and didn't get it.
    someone had also opened 2 featured crystals for Blade and got it twice.

    I cant say anything but it's just about luckiness.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    And someone posted about PHC's. I've gone 0 for 200+ without getting a 3 or 4*. An alliance mate went 350+ with equal results. LOL
    Whether this could be true or not, I'm led to believe that "diminishing returns" might also be implemented into the crystal drops. Fairly consistent news of players just starting out pulling all kinds of good stuff with phc's etc....and the opposite with players that are 2yrs+ in the game with large rosters. Who knows?

    Great for noobs and tough shiet for the rest of us I guess. ;-)
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    WOK wrote: »
    And someone posted about PHC's. I've gone 0 for 200+ without getting a 3 or 4*. An alliance mate went 350+ with equal results. LOL
    Whether this could be true or not, I'm led to believe that "diminishing returns" might also be implemented into the crystal drops. Fairly consistent news of players just starting out pulling all kinds of good stuff with phc's etc....and the opposite with players that are 2yrs+ in the game with large rosters. Who knows?

    Great for noobs and tough shiet for the rest of us I guess. ;-)

    People seem very confused about the concept of diminishing returns.

    It has nothing to do with drop rates or anything like that. It's just a change to the way the game calculates character stats. Basically the more they stack on each other it starts giving less and less return each time it goes up.

    It is usually in games to prevent number spikes from percentage values, and to control variance on things like critical chance. It doesn't affect flat damage increases or PHC drop rates or anything like that.

    If you've ever played League of Legends all the stats in that game work like that pretty much. Like the amount of actual reduction to physical damage armor is giving you starts to cap out at a certain level etc.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    @SlyCat42 , I understand the concept of diminishing returns and its function both in-game and in general circumstances.
    I apologize if my comment gave the impression that it actually is implemented in the crystal drops. It was merely inuendo and wasn't meant to be taken seriously.
    I've never played Leaugue of Legends, and have no reason to doubt or question how it integrates diminishing returns.
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