THE BG BUG (worst kinda bug)

So as the title say...i don't know if it's me only or the other players too facing this problem....but the battleground bug literally is so damn irritating that when it appears i just wanna throw my phone out of the window.
I don't care about rewards....I just play to win bcz this is PvP and i get so envolved that I don't wanna lose just bcz of a bug... anyways enough is the bug I've faced so many times...
This one shows that the fight doesn't even start but the timer goes on and in the end it shows the defeat of the fight u didn't even get to enter.

And the second one...just look at the timer the fight starts so late that most of the time opponents finishes his fight before u enter ...even if u finish the fight but u already way behind in the time score compared to opponents.
This is not a network related problem if anyone doubt.
So i just wanted to share this problem with kabam and everyone if it's only me or anyone else too.🥴
I don't care about rewards....I just play to win bcz this is PvP and i get so envolved that I don't wanna lose just bcz of a bug... anyways enough is the bug I've faced so many times...

This one shows that the fight doesn't even start but the timer goes on and in the end it shows the defeat of the fight u didn't even get to enter.

And the second one...just look at the timer the fight starts so late that most of the time opponents finishes his fight before u enter ...even if u finish the fight but u already way behind in the time score compared to opponents.
This is not a network related problem if anyone doubt.
So i just wanted to share this problem with kabam and everyone if it's only me or anyone else too.🥴
lost of 15 elder s mark without any result this is so emberesing &this not a first time
Won first fight, second one I timed out but should've won because I had more health left and did more damage but in result screen it showed me at 0 health and them at 100% then for last fight i was just about to fight a 5* mags with my r3 6* diablo when timer come up then give me loss
It's bollox